Pan and Tilt Shield

$ 69,00

1000 in stock

SKU: OMV-SHIELD-PANDT-V1 Category: Tags: , ,

The Pan and Tilt shield gives your OpenMV Cam the ability to control three servo motors (or ESCs) directly along with providing an extremely flexible powering option for your OpenMV Cam such that you can:

  • Power your OpenMV Cam via using an unregulated battery by regulating the battery voltage down to 5V along with providing 5V to all four servo headers.
  • Power your OpenMV Cam via the servo headers from an ESC which can be supplying 5V-6V to the OpenMV Cam and servos.

If you are building a Pan and Tilt setup, or making a DIY Robocar to race the Pan and Tilt shield is all you need to get everything wired up!

Q: Can I use the servo shield with the pan and tilt shield at the same time?
A: Yes, absolutely. They both use different pins.

Q: Can I use the motor shield with the pan and tilt shield at the same time?
A: No, this doesn’t work.


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